Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Is it true that there is enough on the planet for everyone's need but not everyone's greed?" Discuss.

Stand: True, but not absolute

There is certainly not enough on the planet to meet the insatiable demands of our material world. Today, Man is assaulted by images and advertisements promoting the acquisition of goods and products more for self gratification and status rather than the real need for it. People are steeped in the spirit of covetousness, always desiring for more material comforts that leads to Man's insatiable demands. In 2006, Fort Motors carried out a survey and found that 28% of the Americans possess more that 2 cars when all they need is only 1. Besides that, about 10% chose greater and bigger cars for status when in fact a smaller and fuel-efficient car is all what they actually need. In 2007, PEW Research Centre found that 80% of the people aged 18-25 in Chicago felt getting rich is their most important goal in life, with the mindset that it can satisfy their material wants, with 64% demanding for an iPod or sneakers when surveyed on what they really need. Thus, this is no doubt why many claim that as the planet has the capacity to meet our needs, it cannot satisfy our insatiable demands and greed.

There is certainly not enough on the planet for everyone's greed, since people are over self centered and no one is willing to sacrifice their interests to help bear the cost of environmental conservation. To people, their profits, convenience and comfort is much more imperative than the issue of environmental degradation, thus they see no incentives to help the planet. In Singapore for example, while the National Congress of Trade Union(NTUC) initiated the plan of "Bring Your Own Plastic Bags" campaign, it did not receive fervent support from the community. People would rather purchase the bags at $0.10 each than to put in the extra efforts to bring their carriers along. It has even been found out that in Hong Kong, 64% of the people switched on their air conditioners to average 24 degrees or lower when they sleep. Even between countries, some felt that they can be exonerated from the responsibility to save the planet. The USA for instance, was reluctant to reduce their greenhouse emissions despite being culpable for a large proportion of the world's greenhouse emissions. Thus, it is no surprise why people claim that while the planet can be sufficient for our needs, it cannot meet our greed.

There is certainly not enough on the planet to meet everyone's greed, since people today are over profit-driven and motivated. They exploit the planet's resources, often overusing it in attempt to maximize their remunerations. It is all these environmentally irresponsible acts that many contemplate if the planet is really sufficient to satisfy our greed. In Africa for example, ranchers over-graze their pastures, causing the lands to be barren and impoverished. In Indonesia, farmers even resort to slash and burn methods in attempt to burn huge hectares of crop waste to provide for fertile soil and higher yields. With individuals overly concerned about profits with the environment at stake, it no doubt why many claim that while the planet is sufficient for our needs, it cannot meet our greed.

Nevertheless, with the advent of high end technologies, it would not be surprising that it is actually possible for the planet to meet our greed and insatiable demands. As long as mankind is willing to invest in technologies to replace the scarce resources tapped, sustainable development can certainly meet our greed and there is no need for concerns about insufficiency. This can be seen in areas like hydroponics and aeroponics, which allows crop growth without the use of soil. Solar power can also resolve our worries about the depletion of natural resources. A research by Ausra Inc reveals that it is possible for the solar energy to provide for about 90% of the US electricity demands. In the area of Genetically Modified(GM) food, crops can even be made more resistant to weather conditions, larger and nutritious for human beings. Therefore, it is possible that the planet can meet our greed with the help of technologies. However, technologies can sometimes be very unreliable and limited in help. Solar power can be beneficial, but it is extremely costly and thus some say that solar energy wins the enthusiasts but not the money. GM food can also be very dangerous, since in many occasions, contamination results in the process to modify genes. In 1990, a project to breed higher quality soya beans triggered a major allergic attack in masses who were allergic to a certain Brazilian nuts. However, in spite the dangers, it is incontrovertible that with the help of technologies, it is definitely possible for the planet to suffice for our insatiable needs and greed.

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