Monday, July 30, 2007

-RaCial HarmOny -

Racial Harmony. It is defined as the state where different races in an area or state can live together peacefully without conflicts. How exactly is it important to us? In the 50s, large flock of immigrants from different parts of the world came to Singapore. These ancestors of ours could not accommodate each other's culture and traditions. The Chinese formed the majority, and they obtracize the minorities. The other racial groups on the other hand could not stand the traditions of Chinese having to burn incense and joss-sticks during certain periods of the month, for it was "pollution" to them. Conflicts broke out eventually. It brought about deleterious effects to Singapore's economy. Some died, while many injured. The country broke into a chaos. This then strikes the alerting bell to the government that a multi-racial state like Singapore is extremely vulnerable to racial conflicts, and much had to be done to ameliorate the conditions in Singapore.

The government came up with the Council for Minority Rights, so that different groups of people whom are faced with unfair treatment can approach assistance. In both the education and work field, equity is respected. Students or employees would be punished or rewarded based on their performance. The media was another area the government placed great focus and effort in. Censorship was introduced. This is to make sure that the media, which is a potent weapon for causing both destruction and goodwill would censor certain issues which are sensitive. This is to try and make sure that peace can be safeguarded and our future in Singapore is secured. Racial Harmony Day was also introduced in Singapore. This is the day where all Singaporeans, regardless of race, religion, skin color, financial abilities and status would come together, to celebrate Singapore's prosperity because of racial harmony. It was too commemorated to remind all the painful memories during the racial riot in 1961. Singaporeans, mainly students would be taught about the importance of maintaining good relationships with their classmates of different race or religion. There would normally be events planned by the authorities, where all Singaporeans can work hand in hand, or gather together to bond with each other.

hiak hiak hiak :)